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Merino wool – treasure from the Antipodes

Unique thermal insulation properties of merino wool result from the conditions in which merino sheep live: full of extremes climate of the New Zeland Alps. Unusual structure of their pelage allows them to adapt to both high temperatures and frosts. The yarn obtained from their fleece behaves similarly: breathable, thermo-active and at the same time delicate and light as a feather, merino wool is an extremely valued material for winter socks, underwear and accessories – including our winter hats. Get to know them better!

Merino hats – a pearl of winter wear

Take merino hat in your hand to find out about its first values: ultra-light, pleasant to the touch yarn is nothing like thick, coarse wool. After putting it on your head, you will discover its other advantages. Thanks to high flexibility of wool, a hat perfectly adjusts to the shape of the head, without causing unpleasant pressure: you can boldly go ahead – on your own legs, bike, ski or sledge – without worrying that you will loose your hat in the rush and gusty wind.

Merino yarn consists of many thin fibers; air channels running between them are perfect thermal insulation barrier. The porous structure of fibers in turn allows a constant exchange of air which ensures excellent breathability. Material collects excess moisture from the skin's surface, transports it outside and dries quickly – this way a merino hat protects you from both cooling down and overheating. No more cold material sticking to the forehead, no more dripping from nose and red ears after returning from jogging – put a merino hat on your head and no weather will chase You home before time!

Reversible merino hats – color squared

Once you have tested the merino wool hat, there's no turning back. You will fall in love with it and start planning the purchase of the next one. What if we told You that when you buy one Issen hat, you actually get two? Our reversible merino hats will allow you to color the world in several ways and look a little different every day.

Two colors of knitted fabric are not the end of possibilities: in both variants you can turn the bottom edge of a hat and show its contrasting reverse. By the way, you will warm ears and forehead twice, especially sensitive to harmful effects of low temperatures. Such a designed hat will not get boring for a long time – the more that high-quality yarn will retain its properties and aesthetics for many seasons.