Dispute resolution
About Us
Progres Wojciech Izbicki, Norbert Sztandera, Żaneta Adamus Spółka Jawna
ul. Fabryczna 21, 32-650 Kęty, Poland
NIP: PL 5492279386
REGON: 120304106
KRS: 0000470516
This is also our main trading address.
You may contact us at the above mentioned address and through the following means:
Email address: shop@nessi-sport.com
Contact phone: +48 (33) 845 10 42
We are ready to participate in extra-judicial dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body. The competent body in this matter is: WOJEWÓDZKI INSPEKTORAT INSPEKCJI HANDLOWEJ W WARSZAWIE, ul. SIENKIEWICZA 3, 00-015 WARSZAWA, Polska, http://www.wiih.org.pl.
Furthermore, the European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR) which can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.